dynamo langues centre formation anglais pau - 10

© 2025 Dynamo Langues


Intensive individual

Intensive individual language courses

The formulas are flexible: 15 hours, 20 hours, 25 hours, …


Our face-to-face language courses include:


Our Visio courses include:


The offices and training courses are accessible to people with disabilities.


Fiche Stage Intensifs – Semi Intensifs

Fiche Handicap

Rates for our intensive individual language courses

INDIVIDUALS: from €1,000 incl. tax

BUSINESSES: on quotation

If you would like to find out more about our intensive individual language courses, please contact us.

To help us better understand your needs and provide you with a customized quote, please answer the following questions by checking the boxes that apply to you:

Use your Training Account to learn a language with DYNAMO LANGUES

Finding Dynamo Langues on Mon Compte Formation is easy! All you have to do is click on the “CLICK HERE” button and follow the steps:

write down the language you want to learn,
select “En présentiel” which means face to face or “À distance” which means distance learning,
enter PAU then click on “VOIR LES RESULTATS”
click on “FILTRE” then scroll down to “Organisme de Formation” and write “DYNAMO LANGUES”.
Display the results and you are there!

Mon Compte Formation Click here